Day 5
Previous days I’d been drinking at least 6 litres with plenty of electrolytes, I didn’t want a previous experience of hyponatremia, but I knew it was hovering over me like a bad smell, yet I still awoke with a raging thirst, a little nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue. The previous day I started to feel the fate of this lack of hydration in the early signs of a UTI too, I needed to watch out fast.
This trail doesn’t get much footfall, passing Robanova Planina I realised so far that I’d only had 3 encounters on trail doing the SMT, I know it’s tough, but beauty was all around. I was so anticipating one of the highlights of this trail, the Via Ferrata, I would be experiencing a taster of it during the long 800m ascent towards the next hut of Korošica which was only a few short miles away. Those miles from the waterfall to the summit were hard earned, the heat was unrelenting, but I knew that I had to reach the shelter and safety of the hut very quickly. I was totally exposed, alone and without backup, not a place where you should be rushing, you’ll be just spinning a dice with your safety in these crazy weather patterns. From the summit onwards it was so beautiful, an isolated shepherd tended his cows with clanking bells. When I was young, I watched Peter - the goat herder from the TV series Heidi, and recollected halcyon thoughts as I passed. Shortly afterwards i descried Korošica in the distance, Spidy sense said run, semi-blue skies were still above, but still I ran.
I arrived at the hut after 34km without 100% certainty that anyone was there as the previous hut had burned down in 2017, a weeks prior to departure I’d checked, and the hut was still closed. But I’d heard on trail that it had opened with basic infrastructure these past few weeks, but without internet, I couldn’t confirm, so just in case i always carry 24h of emergency food. Thankfully a warden was there sleeping in the seemingly deserted hut, I hadn’t stopped for 7½ hours, I was famished. Thankfully my phone was working too, so using Google Translate, I quickly ordered a late lunch, It was amazing.
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